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AAC Blocks Vs Red Bricks Full Comparison | Cost, Size, Strength, Properties

AAC Blocks Vs Red Bricks Full Comparison | Cost, Size, Strength, Properties

In this comparison between aac blocks vs red bricks, we compare all major points and factors, and which is better? so first of all let’s talk about what is aac block and red bricks are in construction work.

AAC Blocks:

aac blocks

AAC blocks are durable building materials made from aggregates of precast, foam concrete, quartz sand, calcined gypsum, lime, Portland cement, water, and aluminum powder. After mixing and molding, the concrete is autoclaved under heat and pressure and thus acquires its characteristic properties.

AAC blocks are in high demand due to their high strength, load-bearing, and thermal insulation properties.AAC Blocks also known as “Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks” are eco-friendly and lightweight construction materials.

AAC block is used as a building material for interior and exterior structures. Blocks can be coated with a plaster finish or a siding material such as veneer brick or vinyl siding.

Red Brick:

red bricks

The manufacture of bricks is mostly a rural industry. Bricks have been produced since the beginning of civilization
Sun-dried form. bricks are Has been used in every class and type of building around the world. Where soil is available in sufficient quantity,

Brickwork is cheap. Bricks reduce the cost of construction work. Bricks resist fire and therefore, they do
Does not decompose easily. The atmospheric impact arc was resisted by bricks of good quality.

The constituents of good brick earth are alumina, silica, lime, oxide of iron, magnesia.

1. AAC Blocks Vs Red Bricks General Comparison:

AAC block

  • AAC blocks are lightweight building materials (50% lighter than red bricks) that are cut into masonry blocks or constructed as larger planks and panels.
  • The AAC block is relatively uniform in size and does not contain coarse aggregate phases. AAC block is Greyish-white in color.

Red Brick

  • Red brick is a small block, made of clay ceramic material used in masonry construction.
  • Bricks are less uniform in size and texture than AAC blocks.

2. AAC Blocks Vs Red Bricks Weight:

AAC Block Weight is around 14.20 kg

8 no. of Red Brick volume are equal to 1 AAC block so

  • A red brick weight approx 4.5 kg × 8 = 37.07 kg

So a load of brick is 2 times greater than a block so the use of an aac block reduces the dead load on the structure.

AAC block gets immersed into the water due to its lightweight and starts floating on the water surface but red brick gets immersed into the water due to its heavyweight.

3. AAC Blocks Vs Red Bricks Cost:

(A) Cost of Labour

If we construct a 10ft × 10ft wall so

  • AAC block cost around Rs 700
  • Red Brick cost is rs 2000

(B) Cost of mortar

For Construct 10ft × 10ft wall

  • AAC block mortar cost Rs 700
  • Red Brick mortar cost Rs 1700

(C) Structural Cost

  • AAC block save steel up to 15% and concrete up to 7%
  • AAC blocks due to their lightweight reduce the load on the foundation and save on steel consumption. Hence reduces the structural cost.
  • But in red brick no saving is possible.

(D) Cost Per Cum

  • AAC Block and Brick cost per cost around equal to Rs4000

AAC Block cost Nearly one-third of the cost of regular bricks

4. AAC Blocks Vs Red Bricks Size:

AAC Block Size

  • 600mm × 200mm × 100mm
  • 600mm × 200mm × 150mm
  • 600mm × 200mm × 200mm
  • 600mm × 200mm × 225mm

However, This may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer.

Red Bricks Size

Standard Modular Size of Red Bricks:

  • 190x90x90mm
  • 190x90x40mm

Standard Non Modular Size:

  • 230x110x75mm

These sizes are more popular in India.

5. Joints and Workability:

For Construct 10ft × 10ft wall

  • In 10ft × 10ft wall 50 AAC blocks are used. in these 162 joints, 1 bag of cement is required.
  • There 585 bricks are required in 10 ft × 10 ft wall and in 1656 joints 2 bags of cement are required.

6. Dry Density:

The dry density of AAC block and brick are different for different class

Dry Density of AAC Block

  • Class A: 651 – 750 kg/m3
  • Class B: 751 – 850 kg/m3
  • Class C: 851 – 1000 kg/m3

Dry Density of Red Brick

  • Class A: 1600 – 1720 kg/m3
  • Class B: 1721 – 1820 kg/m3
  • Class C: 1821 – 1920 kg/m3

7. Compressive Strength:

AAC Block

  • The compressive strength of AAC Block is 5N/MM²

Red Brick

  • The compressive strength of Red Brick is 3.50 N/MM²

8. Water Absorption Ratio:

AAC Block

  • The water absorption of the block should not be more than 10% of its weight.

Red Bricks

  • Water absorption of brick should not be more than 20% of its weight.

9. Fire Resistance:

AAC Block

  • According to the ‘Portland Cement Association’, AAC block’s fire resistance is excellent, with 8-inch-thick AAC receiving a 4-hour rating (actual performance exceeds that and resists fire for up to eight hours). In addition, it is a non-combustible material and will not burn or release toxic fumes.

Red Bricks/Clay Bricks

  • An 8-inch-thick wall can resist fire for up to 2 hours.

10. Sound Insulation

AAC Block

  • AAC blocks have good sound transmission properties due to the presence of air gaps.
  • 40-45 dB of sound is reduced by a 200 mm thick wall.
  • This lightweight also delivers high sound reduction for privacy from outside noise and from other rooms when used as interior partition walls.
  • As mentioned above, AAC blocks are light in weight and are porous in nature, they have very good acoustic properties. Thus, AAC blocks always have good sound insulation as compared to clay or red bricks.

Red Bricks/Clay Bricks

  • Brick masonry wall has good soundproofing properties due to their dense structure.
  • A 150 mm wall reduces the sound by 45 dB and 50 dB than a 230 mm wall.

11. Comparison of Technical Points:

AAC Block is recommended for high-rise buildings because it substantially reduces the total dead load of buildings.

Brick is used for both load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls.

Minimum Thickness of Wall As Per IS – 6041:1985

For Load Bearing Walls:-

  • Minimum Internal Wall Thickness = 150mm
  • Minimum External Wall Thickness = 200mm

For Non-Load Bearing Walls:-

  • Minimum Internal Wall Thickness = 100mm
  • Minimum External Wall Thickness = 150mm

Which are Better Bricks or AAC Blocks

Both costs around the same but quality, strength, workability point of view AAC batter then bricks.if we compare the life of these bricks have greater life.

Red bricks made from natural clay can lead to erosion of the top soil over time. Whereas, AAC blocks use fly ash and help in the utilization of the waste products.

The large size, lightweight, fire and termite resistance of AAC blocks saves energy, time, construction cost and provides durability. But there are some limitations of the AAC block. It is not as widely available as most concrete products, although it can be taken anywhere. If it is to be carried, its light weight is advantageous. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of both these building materials, you can opt for suitable material.

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